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Looking for more than just a domain? Get loads of free stuff with your next domain from Whalley Websites. More Info

Search Engine Optimisation

Have your website optimised for keywords that you know your customers will type into search engines. 

Be at the top! More Info

Pay Per Click

Have your advert seen in all the right places on the internet. And only pay when your advert is clicked on by a visitor.  More Info





The News

For a while now I've been saying to you all that I intend on updating the Whalley Websites site, but i've been too busy designing all your websites and making them look nice to have time. I've finally got round to updating it, so now that I have I hope you like the new modern look.

I want to start a small community for our clients that we look after, so I hope you will all visit more often when you need help or are wondering what's going on in the world of I.T. and web design at Whalley Websites, or to read about any new members joining the community and ranks.

New and exciting features will include

  • a news centre for latest news and gossip
  • a community forum to swap ideas and solutions to issues, which you can all join
  • i'll think of some more later

for now... thanks very much for reading

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12 Acrefield
BB12 8HN


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