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The News


A few photos from the show. 

Thanks to everyone who came to watch it. It was a great show with great audiences!


Read the Burnley Express Article

He's at it again this November. Our web designer, Matt Wilkinson, is playing the role of Billy Lawler, "one of broadway's juveniles", in the 42nd Street musical - an epic and comical story of the hard work, serendipity, talent and love surrounding Peggy Sawyer's life.

Julian Marsh, a successful Broadway director, produces a new show "Pretty Lady". The money for the show comes from a rich old man, who is in love with the star of the show, Dorothy Brock. But she doesn't reply his love, because she is still secretly in love with her old partner who keeps getting in the way. On the night before the premiere, Dorothy Brock breaks her ankle, and one of the chorus girls, Peggy Sawyer tries to take over her part - can she do it?

Musical hits include You're Getting to Be a Habit with Me, Dames, I Know Now, We're In the Money, Lullaby of Broadway, Shuffle Off to Buffalo and Forty-Second Street.

"Do please come along to watch us in this very well produced show. We've been rehearsing hard since May. The show is on for a whole week (Monday November 1st through to Saturday the 6th). This is my first ever lead singing role in a musical, i've never before sung a solo in public (not even karaoke!), and in this I have 2 solo songs, and a few chorus songs, so I will be completely bricking it to say the least and I will need all the support I can get."

"If you're feeling cruel you can come and watch me on the opening performance night when i'm going to be most nervous or watch it towards the end of the week when i'm hopefully a little more settled, or watch it twice and compare the two different sets of mistakes. And then ridicule me about them for the remainder of my days. I'll be singing, dancing, tap dancing, acting - so plenty to go wrong with." 

We've plotted a graph (see below) to help predict how Matt will be feeling as show week progresses in November.

Matt's Performance Week


and also below we have plotted how the other proper, more experienced performers will be feeling.
Everyone else's performance week


"In either case come along and support St Cuthbert's AODS who are excellent performers and singers. St Cuthbert's AODS have performed 41 shows over the last 40 years and 42nd Street will be their 42nd ever show. So it truly will be a memorable occasion, and since having only joined them this year myself, such knowledge helps me with my nerves tremendously. We need all the support we can muster so please invite your friends for a special night out, and work colleagues too. Everyone loves a good musical (whether it's Oliver, Wizard of Oz or Fiddler on the Roof). "

Show Dates are: November 1st (Mon) to the 6th (Sat). Curtains up at 7:15pm. Aim to arrive at 7pm

Tickets are £7 each. Concession prices are available upon request. Tickets can be bought on the door or in advance by contacting Alan Woodworth at St Cuthbert's on 01282 45 77 66. There is a licenced bar at St Cuthbert's church hall for refreshments during show week. Address: St. Cuthberts Church Hall, Off Briercliffe Road, Burnley BB10 1TS - click for directions

Special Discount Offer: Whalley Websites (Whalley Systems Ltd) will discount any service they provide to any of our customers, new or existing, to the value of 50% of each ticket you purchase. Just produce the ticket stub(s) to us at the time of paying an invoice. So for example, buy 1 ticket and receive a £3.50 discount, buy 10 tickets and receive £35 discount. An open ended offer.







Whalley Websites is not associated with St Cuthbert's AODS in any professional way other than this offer, they do not make a profit from ticket sales and are not financially responsible in any way for anything relating to St Cuthbert's AODS. Whalley Websites has obtained permission from St Cuthbert's AODS to make this offer, as a way of helping promote the show with our customers. Equally St Cuthbert's AODS are not associated with Whalley Websites in any direct way, financial or otherwise.

 42nd Street Performance Burnley North West England




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