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Paypal Buttons Integration Installation

Hi Lucy

It can be added.

You could have a password protected page. Or you can just add the text asking them to prebook first. You could even have a calendar put on your website that you can update when appointments are made or are available.

Another lady has put on her website the words “Must pre-book”. And then if they pay before they book then they’ll just have to wait until she next has an appointment next free.


From: anonymous
Sent: 23 February 2011 14:47
To: matt

Hi Matt
                         Is it possible to set up paypal for mini readings but only accept the money when i am ready to do the reading because if 20 people email me pay me i may not have time to do all readings only a selection can this be controlled i hope i am making sense if not i will call you when i return from spain on the 9th of march
Kind regards

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