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The News

PayPal has said his decision to prevent people using its services to donate to Wikileaks was made after a letter from the U.S. government.

PayPal has suspended payments to Wikileaks last week and was followed by Visa and MasterCard Europe.

Vice-President of the online payment company said the Foreign Ministry had said that the operation site was illegal in the United States.

Amazon and PostFinance Swiss bank also cut ties with Wikileaks.

PayPal Vice President Osama Bedier in a conference acceptable to use group policy of the company has decided to suspend the account Wikileaks after the State Department sent a letter of 27 November, adding that s' acting in a "simple "decision.

The company, which owns the U.S. line auction giant eBay, later explained that Mr. Bedier comments referred to a letter sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wikileaks and not directly with Paypal.

A State Department official also said that the department did not contact Paypal.

Both companies are now facing threats of legal action from the IT company that Wikileaks can accept credit and debit card donations.

DataCELL, which operates from Switzerland and Iceland, said immediate action to try to force Visa and MasterCard Europe to resume payments to the web site information.

The data cells claimed in his statement that Visa had come under political pressure and he had "priority to political influence on law."

He added that the shares of the credit card company were wounded and DataCELL Wikileaks.

A spokesman for Visa Europe said it would not comment on the data cells at that time. Mastercard has also yet to make a statement on the matter.

Mastercard, however, comment on allegations that Internet hackers in favor of Wikileaks has reduced its Web site.

Mastercard said there was "no influence" on people's ability to use their cards for transactions.

Date Visa Cell CEO Andreas Fink calls "simply doing business with, they are good. - To move the money"

Cell Data added that the suspension would last for an initial period of seven days, but not yet verified by Visa Europe.

Founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, was arrested in London on Tuesday accompanied by allegations of sexual abuse in Sweden.

He was refused bail, but vowed to fight extradition.



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